Monday 16 September 2013

TCS Written Ability - Practice Test

8. Using the following phrases,Write an e-mail to express Congratulations on Promotion

Congratulations -  promotion to (position)- hard - worked - earn -feel - wise in having – choice - accept - wishes - success in your  new position.



Congratulations on your recent promotion to (position)

I know how hard you have worked to earn the recognition
you presently enjoy at (name of firm) , and I feel that
they are very wise in having made their choice.

Please accept our best wishes for your success in your
new position.



It was with great pleasure that I read of your promotion
to the position of (position) with (name of firm)

I am sure your firm has made a very wise choice and that
you will excel in your new role as (position)

Please accept my congratulation on your promotion and my
very best wishes for your continuing success.

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